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If you're feeling a bit mischievous, the Diablo 2 Stings Maphack is a good option for you. This is one of the most popular hacks used in Diablo 2 and allows players to automatically build items from the stash. It produces items from all over Blizzard's games with varying levels of usefulness, but it can't be recommended enough for those looking for an easy way to gain or maintain e-peen. One of the easiest ways to protect your account and your games is by enabling two-factor authentication on both Blizzard and Battle. net. Blizzard has two-factor auth for both their account management website and, so you'll want to go ahead and enable the first factor of authentication, which is your standard username/password combination. You can find out more about this on Blizzard's support page. You will also want to enable an authenticator app, which is the second factor of authentication. Blizzard allows some users to use their phone as an authenticator for free, while others have to pay a small fee every year to use it. You can set up your authenticator on Blizzard's support page or by clicking here if you need help setting it up on your mobile device(s). To enable two-factor authentication for Diablo 2 Stings Maphack, you'll want to follow these steps: Blizzard has some nice tools on their support site that will allow you to see how many Diablo 2 Stings you've saved and what items they've turned into. Go check it out; it's one of the best sites around for Stings. If you'd like to make Diablo 2 Stings even easier, check out these other great Diablo 2 hacks: Diablo 3 Maphacks , Doomslayer Apocalypse Maphacks , Cloaked Diablo's Curse of Destruction , and Blessed Tastes of Destruction . Although you could technically use this hack to build a few items from the Diablo 2 stash, this hack is for those who just want to farm stash and don't care about any of those items. Is this hack really as simple as it sounds? Absolutely. The hack works without making you take any action at all. It will harvest all the items from your stash and turn them into Diablo II Stings which you can then sell or use as crafting ingredients. How does it work? I'll try to keep this as simple as possible. If you're interested in making a Diablo 2 Stings Maphack only hack instead, check out my previous article for a detailed guide on doing that . If you've never used the Diablo 2 Stings Maphack before, you're in for a treat! It's not just an easy way to passively farm Stings, but also an ideal way to turn many items into Stings. You don't even need to play the game or log in to do it. The best Diablo II hacks are surprisingly simple. Some people use them as tools, some people use them as entertainment, and some people use them as their only means of playing Diablo II with dignity. The Diablo 2 Stings Maphack is all of those things and more--it's an essential hack that shouldn't be overlooked by any player . cfa1e77820